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Messenger: jah-spear Sent: 8/25/2012 9:10:09 AM

flyinghighwithjah, maybe I could help the I. I've been around mental illness all my life. My mother has been diagnosed with social anxiety and severe depression. My grandmother has been diagnosed with bipolar disorder and severe depression. They both have been diagnosed with mental illnesses, but they fight them in different. I can remember when I was younger, my mother would take antidepressants daily. They would help her for a little while, but she would always crash and become more depressed. So, she would end up taking more pills. This lasted for years until my mother began having health problems because of the meds. She knew that something had to change. So, over the past three or four years my mom has been fighting her depression without the pills. It is a hard battle, but I have seen her make more progress than she ever did while taking medicines. My grandmother on the other hand, has been taking medicines as long as I can remember. It has gotten to the point where my grandmother is addicted to them. She says the pills make her condition better, but all of us in the family agree that they have only made things worse. When she takes her medicines she is inan almost non-responsive state, which is a state I hate to see my grandmother in. When she runs out of pills she goes into a rage and yells at anyone for any reason. My grandfather says he had never seen her this bad until the pills came. The point I am trying to make is that these medicines can never truly. Babylon doesn't want to help, they only want to enslave. These medicines WILL enslave you. You must stop using these things and fight your problems alone. Because if you need meds to be well,then you aren't truly well. Fighting this battle without pills may be hard, but sometimes the hardest things are the most rewarding. Ises to The Father Haile I Selassie I.

Messenger: Ark I Sent: 8/26/2012 1:08:08 AM


Is your paranoia completely gone with the shot?

Messenger: flyhighwithjah Sent: 8/26/2012 12:55:05 PM

Ark I ...
No my paranoia is still there with the shot

Messenger: Ark I Sent: 8/26/2012 10:23:44 PM

what type of things does the I get paranoid about?

Messenger: flyhighwithjah Sent: 8/26/2012 10:41:34 PM

Ark I , sometimes i think the whole city where I live is out to get me and they are going to take I to jail and I dont know why I have these thoughts and delusions

Messenger: Ark I Sent: 8/27/2012 12:10:46 AM

Since the I has no control over your paranoia without medication, continue taking the medication for now and fight your first battle, which is to remove the paranoia that the I experiences even when using the medication.  Do this by increasing Your Faith in the Most High God RasTafarI Haile Selassie I.  Change your mind to Iverstand that Haile Selassie I will protect the I, so there is no Reason to fear anybody or anything.  So instead of directly trying to resist the paranoia right now, Train your mind to have such Trust and Faith in the Most High that there is no Reason to fear a thing, so if you think that this or that person will try to do something against the I, the I can just put that aside because the I will know that even if they are actually going to try to do something against the I, they will not be able because Selassie I will stop them.

When the I wins this first battle, and if the I doesn't have other significant mental illness battles that the I need to fight , then very gradually reduce you medication and at every step of reduction, fight the battles the I need to fight and overcome them before the I reduces the medication more, so the I doesn't lose control.

When the I has thoughts that the I realizes might be a delusion, try to pay attention and see if those thoughts feel different or have some kind of characteristic that is different than normal thoughts.  If the I figures that out, then Train the I self to separate those thoughts and acknowledge them as delusion. That might help the I Learn to discard those thoughts as they come.

Read the Reasonings below about Faith.


Faith Strength

Messenger: flyhighwithjah Sent: 8/29/2012 6:44:34 PM

Ark I , what should I read to gain ultimate faith ?

Messenger: Ark I Sent: 8/29/2012 10:33:45 PM

There is nothing the I can read for that, the I needs to Learn to Live so. Change the I self to be that.

Messenger: flyhighwithjah Sent: 8/29/2012 10:48:23 PM

and another thing does ganja make you paranoid or cause delusions because my doctor told me it can make you paranoid and cause delusions . I really would like to know when is a good time for me to smoke the herb .

Messenger: Ark I Sent: 8/29/2012 11:11:11 PM

Some people get paranoid with Ganja,whether or not they have a mental illness.

In regards to delusions, Ganja wouldn't cause it, but some people with mental illness can't handle Ganja and they become unstable and they may experience delusions from their mental illness, but others have used it to help them get better. In either case, it is probably not good to mix Ganja with the medication.

Make sure the I is cautious, sometimes when people lose control of their mental illness, they get in trouble with police, or hurt another person. If the I gets in trouble with the police,they might give you a court order to take the medication for a certain time period, or the I might get in more serious trouble.

Go into Training, exercise your mind and change it from within. It is work, so the I needs to be consistent and don't become slack in your Training.

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Haile Selassie I