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Messenger: Dreadnut Sent: 4/23/2006 5:06:18 AM

No area of Jewish literature could be more inhospitable to the Christian doctrine of the triune godhead than the Torah and the writings of its prophetic messengers. It is on the strength of these sacred texts that the Jew has preserved the concept of one, single, unique Creator God Who alone is worthy of worship. Understandably, missionaries undertake a formidable task when they seek to “prove” the doctrine of the Trinity from the Jewish scriptures. No prophet went silent on the uncompromising radical monotheism demanded by the God of Israel. The Jewish people, therefore, to whom these sublime declarations about the nature of the Almighty were given, knew nothing about a trinity of persons in the godhead.

Because the prophets relayed their divine message on the nature of God with such timeless clarity, few texts in Tanach could hold any promise for the church to raise up as a support for their teachings on the Trinity. Understandably, though, the defenders of Christendom flaunted the very few verses that they managed to somehow skew into a supposed support for this alien doctrine.

One of the most popular verses used by missionaries as a proof text for the Trinity is Genesis 1:26. This verse appears in missionary literature quite often in spite of the fact that this argument has been answered countless times throughout the centuries. Let’s examine Genesis 1:26.

And God said, “Let us make man in our image, after our likeness; and they shall rule over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the sky, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creeps upon the earth.”

With limited knowledge of the Jewish scriptures, missionaries advance the above verse in as evidence that there was a plurality in the godhead which was responsible for creation. What other explanation could adequately account for the Bible’s use of the plural pronouns such as “us” and “our” in this verse?

This argument, however, is grievously flawed. In fact, a great number of Trinitarian Christian scholars have long abandoned the notion that Genesis 1:26 implies a plurality of persons in the godhead. Rather, Christian scholars overwhelmingly agree that the plural pronoun in this verse is a reference to God’s ministering angels who were created previously, and the Almighty spoke majestically in the plural, consulting His heavenly court. Let’s read the comments of a number of preeminent Trinitarian Bible scholars on this subject. For example, the evangelical Christian author Gordon J. Wenham, who is no foe of the Trinity and authored a widely respected two-volume commentary on the Book of Genesis, writes on this verse,

Christians have traditionally seen [Genesis 1:26] as adumbrating [foreshadowing] the Trinity. It is now universally admitted that this was not what the plural meant to the original author.1

If you had attended any one of my lectures you would know that the New International Version is hardly a Bible that can be construed as being friendly to Judaism. Yet, the NIV Study Bible also writes in its commentary on Genesis 1:26,

Us . . . Our . . . Our. God speaks as the Creator-king, announcing His crowning work to the members of His heavenly court. (see 3:22; 11:7; Isaiah 6:8; I Kings 22:19-23; Job 15:8; Jeremiah 23:18)2

Charles Caldwell Ryrie, a highly regarded dispensationalist professor of Biblical Studies at the Philadelphia College of Bible and author of the widely read Bible commentary, The Ryrie Study Bible, writes in his short and to-the-point annotation on Genesis 1:26,

Us . . . Our. Plurals of majesty.3

The Liberty Annotated Study Bible, a Bible commentary published by the Reverend Jerry Falwell’s Liberty University, similarly remarks on this verse,

The plural pronoun “Us” is most likely a majestic plural from the standpoint of Hebrew grammar and syntax.4

The 10-volume commentary by Keil and Delitzsch is considered by many to be the most influential exposition on the “Old Testament” in evangelical circles. Yet in its commentary on Genesis 1:26, we find,

The plural “We” was regarded by the fathers and earlier theologians almost unanimously as indicative of the Trinity; modern commentators, on the contrary, regard it either as pluralis majestatis . . . No other explanation is left, therefore, than to regard it as pluralis majestatis . . . .5

The question that immediately comes to mind is: What would compel these evangelical scholars -- all of whom are Trinitarian -- to determinedly conclude that Genesis 1:26 does not suggest the Trinity, but rather a majestic address to the angelic hosts of heaven? Why would the comments of the above conservative Christian writers so perfectly harmonize with the Jewish teaching on this verse?

The answer to this question is simple. If you search the Bible you will find that when the Almighty speaks of “us” or “our,” He is addressing His ministering angels. In fact, only two chapters later, God continues to use the pronoun “us” as He speaks with His angels. At the end of the third chapter of Genesis the Almighty relates to His angels that Adam and his wife have eaten from the Tree of Knowledge and must therefore be prevented from eating from the Tree of Life as well; for if man would gain access to the Tree of Life he will “become like one of us.” The Creator then instructs his angels known as Cherubim to stand at the gate of the Garden of Eden waving a flaming sword so that mankind is prevented from entering the Garden and eating from the Tree of Life. Let’s examine Genesis 3:22-24.

Then the Lord God said, “Behold, the man has become like one of Us, to know good and evil. And now, lest he put out his hand and take also of the tree of life, and eat, and live forever” -- therefore the Lord God sent him out of the Garden of Eden to till the ground from which he was taken. So He drove out the man; and He placed cherubim at the east of the Garden of Eden, and a flaming sword which turned every way, to guard the way to the tree of life.

This use of the majestic plural in Genesis 3:22-24 is what is intended by the NIV Study Bible’s annotation on Genesis 1:26 (above). At the end of its comment on this verse, the NIV Study Bible provides a number of Bible sources from the Jewish scriptures to support its position that “God speaks as the Creator-king, announcing His crowning work to the members of His heavenly court.” The verses cited are: Genesis 3:22, 11:7, Isaiah 6:8, I Kings 22:19-23, Job 15:8, and Jeremiah 23:18. These verses convey to the attentive Bible reader that the heavenly abode of the Creator is filled with the ministering angels who attend the Almighty and to whom He repeatedly refers when using the plural pronoun “Us.”6

I will close this letter with one final note. Outsiders often wonder what binding force keeps the Jewish people united in faith. This is not so odd a question when we consider the inner conflict that has followed our people throughout our extraordinary history. Bear in mind that regardless of the turbulent quarrels that fester among us, the oneness of God remains the binding thread which unites the Jewish people in history and witness. The teachings of the Torah were designed to set forever in the national conscience of the Jewish people the idea that God is one alone and therefore the only object of our devotion and worship.

Sincerely yours,

Rabbi Tovia Singer

What you think?

Messenger: Dread Lion Sent: 4/23/2006 1:17:32 PM


The only thing more annoying than people ignoring facts and taking the Bible to be the "inerrant word of God" is people making shit up and then twisting the Bible to support it -- all the while ignoring the difference between objective, demonstrable knowledge and subjective, spiritual inspiration.

If you tell a Christian that his house is on fire, he will want some evidence before jumping out the third floor window; if you tell him that wearing a blue shirt will allow him to walk through walls he will want some more evidence before taking a running bash into a wall; tell him that belief in a god/man born of a virgin and executed 2000 years ago is the ONLY way ANYONE can avoid eternal damnation after death and he's good to go!

The Trinity is a fine idea if it helps you to overstand the Inity of JAH, but it is not an objective reflection of the structure of the Iniverse. And it is one of the most blatant biblical/theological "add-ons" of the Christian tradition.


Messenger: Empress Nzingha Sent: 4/23/2006 5:47:24 PM

The Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost removes women from the equation. Man woman and child is the only trinity worth persuing.

Messenger: FarI-Sight Sent: 4/23/2006 11:01:30 PM

Blessed Love Universally, Internationally

King Selassie I Jah Rastafari.

The Father the Son and the Holy One created the Earth and the Heavens and all they that dwell therin. The Trinity is God, Jah Rastafari, it is there since time began, before Christianity could edit the Ancient Black Books of Prophecy and call it the King James Bible.

In Gen 18 Jah appeared unto Abraham in the plains of Mamre and he saw THREE MAN.
All things in the Earth manifest in three mediums, the Father Mother and Son, The Mind Temple and Soul, Sun Moon and Starts, Solid Liquid Gas, and it can go on forever because life is infinity.
The Ancient Trinity from Creation that has been hidden from us by the white world of lies is THE PROPHET PRIEST AND KING.

Do not marvel brethren and sisthren, this is nothing new. Remember David the King, Zadok the Priest and Nathan the Prophet. Now I see King David, Israel's God and King, standing in an unconquered territory,Ethiopia, as the King of Kings Elect of God Haile Selassie I, Our Father who art in Zion the POWER of the HOLY TRINITY HAILE SELASSIE.

I see Melchesidek the I Priest,King of Salem, King Emmanuel 7th The Black Christ in Flesh Jes-us of Nazareth same way stand in Jamaica Egypt pleading with all nations for His people's freedom and liberation to the land promised to God children by the God of Israel since Abraham, even to Isaac and even to Jacob.

I see Marcus Garvey the prophet, who is John the Baptist who is Elijah same way, showing iani the King crowned as King of Kings Ruler of the Universe and forerunner of the Black Christ, our Lord and Saviour who he said will rise out of Jamaice 10 miles out of the bloody city of Kingston.

So it is 3 physicals, fulfilling three roles, but one spirit, one power and one aim and destiny.

This is the reality, anything else is anti-Christ ideology for God cannot be spirit alone, for he is not a ghost. John 4.Luke 24 v39.

The Bible is a the ancient books of history and prophecy taken from us the Black Israelites in slavery and translated to a symbolic book of right and wrong. So hold on to the Right and let go of the Wrong. These books of prophecy are written before Christianity so dont be deceived for it was written by the finger of God because it was written by the finger of Man who is God. Moses write the 1st 7 books and Moses is God same way as he performed Godly works and was one with the father.

With no King who will Rule Israel with the scepter of Righteousness?? The people shall persish.
With no Priest who will show the people the cermonial order? There will be no salvation.
With no Prophet, Israel have no vision.
Prophet Priest and King ever stand as the R ever stand. Jah Rastafari

The Trinity is not an "add-on", it is not an "idea" it is NATURAL REALITY. God. I and I Royal Ethiopians was ruling the Earth in Righteousness in the Beginning and it shall be so in these last days according to prophecy Joel 3 Micah 4 Isaiah 43

Israel Know Your Self. Jacob know yourself.

Holy EmmanueL I Selassie I JAH Rastafari

Messenger: Dreadnut Sent: 4/24/2006 4:37:45 AM


Far I Sight, I looked up your verse, and it is as you said. Give Thanks!

"he said will rise out of Jamaice 10 miles out of the bloody city of Kingston"

What speech was this?

Haile I

Messenger: Dread Lion Sent: 4/24/2006 1:18:20 PM


you say:

The Trinity is God

it is there since time began

Ancient Black Books of Prophecy

This is the reality, anything else is anti-Christ ideology

The Bible is a the ancient books of history and prophecy taken from us the Black Israelites in slavery and translated to a symbolic book of right and wrong

was written by the finger of God

Moses write the 1st 7 books

Moses is God

The I has been told these things by others and just accepted them without evidence, where is the evidence? The kind of evidence you would require if I told you that the sun revolves around the earth or that your car will run on yak's milk?

If there is nothing in the world that could get the I to question these beliefs, no new ideas or discoveries, then the I is admitting that the I's beliefs are not based upon observing reality.

And, as the Empress points out, how can anything be created by three male personages? Where is the Divine Feminine? Mother/Father/Child is the "NATURAL REALITY" your "trinity" IS an idea, and maybe a good one, but when you start disparaging other spiritual precepts and confusing your own spirituality with objective reality you risk the slippery slope into Dueteonomy 13:7-9.


p.s. Why wouldn't God just come out and use the word "Trinity" (which is entirely absent from the Bible) instead of hiding His meaning in various ancient scrolls?

Messenger: FarI-Sight Sent: 4/24/2006 7:32:41 PM

Blessed is he who believeth without seeing. Thomas bow down before the Man when he rise from the grave. Selassie I Jah Rastafari
My doctrine is not mine, but His that sent me. If any man will do His will, He shall know the doctrine, whether it be of God, or whether i speak of myself.

Again the children ask What sign shewest thou then, that we may see adn believe thee?

For had ye believed Moses you would have believed me.
He that is of God heareth God's words, ye therefore hear them not because you are not of God.

Children of Israel, a corrupt and unfaithful generation, you ask for signs and wonders when the reality is natural.

I dont come to prove anything to anyone in this last judgment. I am not going to carry anyone on my back to the Father, it is a SELF SAVE JUDGMENT.
Never did "evidence" prove that Jah Rastafari is the Almighty God. Show i the evidence that proves that King Selassie I is the Ruler of tghe Universe. Faith is not science. Faith is not maths.
Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.

When Jah told Abraham to leave the land of his fathers, he did not ask the Mighty God for evidence.

Spirituality is not religion, nor is it national statistics or the stock market, it is not based on facts and figures

As for woman, know this. Jah is King Alpha and Queen Omega, the King and the Queen is One.

Why didnt God just come out and say Haile Selassie I is the King of Kings, and the Western World is Babylon, Rome is the beast?
God doesnt move that way, for many are called few are chosen. He saith some have ears but hear not, they have knowledge but lack understanding. Here is wisdom, let Him that hath understanding know this.

Our Redeemer is strong the Lord of Hosts is His Name Holy Emmanuel I Selassie I Jah Rastafari

Earthquake in diverse places, lighting and thunder for all weak heart in this last judgment.
Mercy and salvation for those that love Him and have made a covenant with Him. Rainbow covenant.Selassie I Jah Rastafari

Messenger: Dread Lion Sent: 4/24/2006 9:24:15 PM

First of all, let I say, bredrin, that InI fully Ispect the I's interpretations and accept their validity. Iman KNOW Haile Selassie I is The Most High for InI, but this is a spiritual overstanding not an acurate description of the objective world. And this knowledge does not negate all other spiritual realities for all other people.

"Blessed is he who believeth without seeing." These are the kind of people Iman think of when I hear this: the president of the U.S., the CEO of a corrupt multi-national corporation, an army commander, a slave master; they all want you to believe without seeing.

more later, must go now


Messenger: Ras KebreAB Sent: 4/25/2006 9:27:30 AM

Far I Sight, I man would love to reason with the I more deeply. Let I know if there is a way, email or something, that i can contact the I

Blessed Love

Messenger: Empress Nzingha Sent: 4/25/2006 10:54:58 AM

Before Christianity was Catholicism
Before Catholics were Gnostics
Before Gnostics were Hebrews
My point is this, the concepts and stories of the Bible existed before "the Bible" so what does that prove?
Check out Kemetic mythology and tell me that these stories are not the foundation for the Bible, the Qur'an, the Torah and any other "Holy Book" you can think of.
The history of the world starts in Ethiopia which is Akebulan which is Cush, Nubia, Sheba, ect.
Know you history and you will understand your present.
Know your present and you will forsee your future.
Infinity crosses itself in the middle.
Any person who is not content simply to live their own life in rightiousness is doomed to fail.
Find me a prophet who did not preach self love and I will show you a false prophet.

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Haile Selassie I