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What will Rastafari be in 400 years from now?

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Time Zone: EST (New York, Toronto)
Messenger: Dread Lion Sent: 1/18/2006 2:14:19 PM

One Perfect Love in InI Majesties Empress Menen I , Emperor Haile Selassie I JAH

The Christianity that we see around us now is not the original orthodoxy it pretends to be. In the first years after the life of Yeheshua (Jesus) there were many different sects of Christianity, each with its own interpretation of Yeheshua.

From Bart D. Ehrman’s Lost Christianities:
“In the second and third centuries there were Christians who believed that Jesus was both divine and human, God and man. There were other Christians who argued he was completely divine and not human at all. …There were others who claimed that Jesus was a flesh and blood human, Jesus, and a fully divine being, Christ, who temporarily inhabited Jesus’ body. …there were Christians who believed that Jesus’ death brought about the salvation of the world. There were yet other Christians who thought that Jesus’ death had nothing to do with the salvation of the world. There were yet other Christians who said Jesus never really died…”

Yeheshua was a Middle Eastern Jew living under Roman occupation and the whole idea of a Messiah was also Jewish. His original followers were all Jews. There were lots of arguments about how Jewish a Christian had to be. Some said that Christianity was an entirely Jewish concern, requiring circumcision and observance of law. Others tolerated Gentiles and still others embraced conversion of the Gentiles.

Paul was a Gentile, the first non-Jewish Christian leader. It was Paul’s version of Christianity that Rome found most palatable. It can be argued that Pauline Christianity saved the faith from passing away into the obscurity of history like all of the other concurrent Jewish and proto-Christian sects of the time or that it co-opted and polluted a purely Jewish movement and was therefore responsible for all of the subsequent follies of the church.

In time Paul’s version of Christianity became “orthodox” (“right thinking”) and became the State religion. Then all other versions of Christianity were ruthlessly extinguished. Only with relatively recent archeological discoveries have they been at least partially re-discovered. This orthodoxy was monolithic until the Reformation and the advent of Protestantism.

Many of the tenets, scriptures and doctrines of modern day Christianity are not original. Issues as central as the divinity of Jesus, the virginity of Mary, the Trinity, salvation, reincarnation, life after death, which gospels are true and which are false, and even whether there should be a Bible, what should be in it and who should be permitted to read it were all decided long after the life of Yeheshua.

Judaism, Christianity and Islam suffer under the weight of their own “orthodoxies” because, by definition, all other thoughts are “heresies”. The highest spiritual aspirations of mankind became defined, dictated, policed and adjudicated by a central authority, reducing them to base partialities.

The earliest state of Christianity should seem familiar to Rastas, there are similarities to the current state of InI. It has only been 32 years since InI have seen HIM, the Gospel of Mark, the earliest gospel included in the Bible, was written 65 years after the life of Yeheshua.

And so InI have the benefit of seeing how other faiths and movements have created their own impediments and failed to serve their intended purpose. Jesus ate with tax-collectors, whores and sinners and many Christians and Christian institutions would rather cast the first stone at them (bun fyah pon dem) than show them Love.

InI can sight many of the questions which confront InI in this time such as the universality of Rastafari, racial consciousness, the pros and cons of establishing centralized authority, the orthodoxy vs. heresy mindset, scriptural interpretation and even theological doctrine in light of modern knowledge of the establishment of the other Judeo-Christian faiths. Let InI reason upon this question;

What will Rastafari be in 400 years from now?


Messenger: Dreadnut Sent: 1/18/2006 2:42:55 PM

400 years? I think were lucky if we see 10 more years. Judgement cometh in this Iwah!

Messenger: Natti I Sent: 1/18/2006 3:24:23 PM

Rastafari will be what it will be. Nah rasta reason same wey. siht

TRI inity guide I&I heart tru time forward zeen

ere I now. whap em will rastafarI BE NOW?

Messenger: Empress Nzingha Sent: 1/18/2006 3:34:48 PM

Actually there are less than two years left, but there are a thousand years of peace between us and final judgment.

I suggest the Idren read up on the Gnostics. Especially if you are at all interested in Kemetic mythology.
Also on the teachings of Buddha.
Chairman Mao Tse-Tung also has some good teachings.
It is important that we as Rastafari do not fall into the trap of single mindedness, we should be striving to overstand the big picture rather than excluding ourselves from the rest of humanity. There are many things to be learned from the religions that have lost their way, not just where they have failed but also where they have succeded.
It is important also to note that almost every religion, society and civilization is an off shoot of Kemet and Kemetic mythology. Only certain nomadic and indigenous tribes can claim any originality in these aspects. The so called fathers of philosophy studied at the schools of Kemet as did every other scholar/educated person before the Roman Empire claimed ownership over all the previously established civilizations from Europe east to China and south to Ethiopia.

Messenger: Natti I Sent: 1/18/2006 3:50:01 PM

zeen . Imon underdstand religen but overstand rassssstafari. raspect fi di EMPRESS and she overstanding of knowledge seen

Messenger: prophecy Sent: 1/18/2006 9:56:37 PM

Greetings blessed love, Yes I, I feel the i is right. That is why i n i need to truly gear up, Inite and do wat jah wants I n I to do. A bredren once told i that he stop asking what he could do for jah, and asked what jah wants him to do. I know it sounds the same, but it is different.

I n I all have different offices within the body of christos and all have different gifts. I n I must gear up and let I n I lion and lioness paws stand firm in the earth and trodd forward burning fiyah on babylon and doing jah works. I n I must build i n i house in the kingdom of jah. May Jah guide I n I and protect I n I....

your humbles sister and servant,


Messenger: Tefer_Anbesa Sent: 1/18/2006 10:07:01 PM

Rastafari is the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow. He doesn't change. The question We should be asking is : Where will mankind be in 400 years from now ? Only Jah know. I predict the Christ will return again in 2000 years to finish the job, 3rd times a charm. New Heaven & New Earth. Selassie I ~

Messenger: Ark I Sent: 1/18/2006 11:14:59 PM

RasTafarI is still here and RasTafarI is finishing the Revelation.

There is no end for I and I. There is no coming back. There is only blazing the backsliders.

Ark I
Haile Selassie I

Messenger: Chaka Sent: 1/19/2006 6:07:05 AM

I and I no need no damn religion ...
I and I need purification ... we are in the earth what Jah is in Zion.
We have to purificate ourself , we got to be clean , bouth body and mind ...
You can read Buddah teaching ... but focus in the bible ...
If u dont do it ... ur doing something out of rastafari I faith than u can cut ur hair , and put brown robe ...
And eat japanese food ...

Bible is the foundation
Pray , stay no eating , sing psalms
and love etc etc ...

if u do this ... u will learn inside urself
what u have to know ...
We are saints , angels and archengels of Most High
in 400 years we will be with Jah Glory again ...
is what i think

Messenger: Empress Nzingha Sent: 1/19/2006 11:23:45 AM


I'd like you to realize that that is exactly the type of attitude that has born again Christians (and such) unkowingly worshiping the dark angel.
I never said adopt the practices of religion I said read and learn from religions.

Anytime you adopt a single book as THE truth and the only truth, you fall into the trap set by the writters of that book. You must have enough information to seperate truth from propaganda. And more importantly you should know as much as possible about the people who wrote the books you read and the times in which the lived.
Learning about the various religions is the same as learning history because it is only in modern times that religon was a choice. Seperation of church and state did not become a reality for most people until groups such as the puritans came to the New World to escape British rule.

Buddha was one of the most loving people to ever walk the earth. And if you read his teachings you will see that his philosophy is very much focused on purification and completly centered around love.

What's exactly is wrong with brown robes?

I happen to enjoy asian food, especially since they have a wide variety of vegitarian dishes that are both tasty and healty.

If you refrain from expanding your horizons you will never see the true beauty of the Most High's creation.

Rastafari should not only be clean but also well informed. A true Rasta is an eternal student. You should strive to have as much information as possible so that your reasonings and choices are educated and informed.

For instance, how exactly does one even become clean? That is something to meditate on. Buddha teaches about Karma, also know as universal law, or the golden rule.

Most importantly the more religions you study the more you come to overstand that ever profit preached the same message. If you follow one, you in fact follow them all. Each one has a piece of the grand puzzle that Rastafari should strive to fit together.

And just as a side note angels are not born they are created. Humans don't become angels, they are two completly diffrent species. Humans become saints. You are either human or angel, not ever both. Even the Bible will tell you that.

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Haile Selassie I