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Messenger: DURU Sent: 7/20/2013 1:26:57 AM

blessed to all

yes I, give thanks for the reasoning, regarding philosophy, natural way of life is no philosophy, its a livity, to be spontaneous and living consciously is no philosophy, it might sound philosophical if only reading it or to intellectually overstand it, dogmas are such as what's good or bad, judgement day, Messiah prophesy, a God that punishes or rewards etc.....
yes I, I can't deny the Inspiration Iman have with H.I.M, yes other ppl is inspired on different ppl or animals or music, art, no matter with who or what as long the realization of equality is triggered is truly a liberation.
I don't follow any book, I do love reading, yes I once recommend d book written by baba and its a interesting book and are many others I can recommend better than baba book , but non one of them I follow, I simply read because I love it, and live by doing what I man love to do,I share I share I experience and learn from InI and all creation, each one teach one, but I don't follow no one.

and to say this or that is d "true" Christianity is not unifying but is d same what other Christians say, and all them do is show proofs which one is true, but the truth needs no proof at all only lies create proofs for deception, and because of it there is separation and wars proofing themselves that them are d truth, this is the ego of man and society.

as d I said that if everyone is god than there is mo more evil? its how d I see life, example when a cat eats a mouse, in this situation it is good for d cat to eat the mouse to survive but bad for the mouse to be eaten because it will get killed, but the fact is its natural neither good nor bad but natural, in life there are problems to be solved, solving a problem is growth a progress and will be always like that, Jah is not just d creator but creation itself,everlasting growth, sharing and expressing love, to hope one day when judgment come and all evil will vanish is for cowards and ungrateful, because right NOW is the only moment and d best moment there is that's why Jah set as on this moment to live and learn and make d best of it and give thanks for every second, to expect for a better day on judgment day is simply denying d present moment because of fear of death, and death only exist in d mind.


Messenger: Matthew Sent: 7/21/2013 4:28:54 PM

Blessed love
Duru If InI set the correct example the cat would no longer hunt the mouse. If InI rise higher nature would learn from we. Overall I agree with the I life is about balance.

RasTafarI is the Highest

Messenger: DURU Sent: 7/21/2013 8:31:00 PM

blessed to all

Mathew, does it mean all meat eater shall be vegetarians?
it is natural for man to be vegetarian but not to a cat or any meat eater since meat has dem own kind of body made to eat meat for survival and that's how nature balance it.


Messenger: MELCHEZIDEK Sent: 7/23/2013 5:43:21 AM

We do not convert to vegeterian.





Messenger: Matthew Sent: 7/23/2013 9:24:18 AM

Man brought death and sin into the world. Before that there was only light, peace, life and unity among all Jah creation . As in the beginning so shall it be in the end. Lion shall once again lay down with Lamb.

Blessed RasTafarI Earthday

Messenger: MELCHEZIDEK Sent: 7/28/2013 9:23:10 AM

I don't mean to be negative in any way. Ones and Ones can live a vegaterian lifestyle, I and I s don't mind.

But just remember:

RASTAFARI is not a food thing. RASTAFARI is Life for the black people. Its your Irit that Lives in RASTAFARI. RASTAFARI gives us Irit and Irit returns to RASTAFARI no matter what condition your body is in. As it was in the Beginning so shall it be in the end.

Blessed I and I and I -yas

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